Why Don't We All Own Groomer Skis ?

Here is a fact I have observed after over 50 ski seasons on the snow; big pow days are just not a usual thing.  We all love to dream about the big, deep days, with blower snow in our face, living the awesome feeling of floating from turn to turn, down the hill.  It's a bummer that it just doesn't happen that often.  BUT, stop and consider something else our skiing world has blessed us with; THE MAGIC OF GROOMING MACHINES.  Even when it hasn't snowed in days and days, we will ride up the lift in the morning and be greeted by long ribbons of corduroy snow,  produced by a dedicated group of men and women, driving these fantastic snow machines all night, to give us a magic surface to ski on this morning.  This is simply fantastic skiing of a different sort.  I am always amazed on these great groomer days by (1) how few skiers are often there to enjoy it, and (2) how many are out for the day, on skis that are way too wide, to get the maximum enjoyment on this fantastic snow surface the ski area has provided.

For whatever reason, here in the US we all want to be on skis that are perfect for the mornings when there's boot deep new snow.  But, we are giving up so much in terms of carving scream worthy turns on smooth snow, run after run.  Modern groomer skis like Head Supershape, Volkl Deacon, Atomic Redster, and many others are just a blast of fun to ski on.  They turn very, very tight when pressed just a little bit, and they rebound from turn to turn with an ease that never ceases to amaze me.  But as happy as I am to be on this groomed snow, having a great day on my Head Rally's, I look around, and there just aren't very many other skiers equipped like I am for the day.  The feeling of the G Force that builds from turn to turn, and the ease with which the skis change edges is magic to me.  And, I get to do this all day, covering maybe 50,000 vertical feet before it's over.  I feel like most of the other skiers aren't loving the day and getting the same adrenaline rush as I am.

So, next time you have a chance, get out on a pair of front side, carving, narrower waisted skis, and experience what modern technology has done for this type of ski.  You might be surprised how slow and sluggish from turn to turn those wider skis you think you love so much actually are.

Call us if you want to talk groomers.  We like to help!  We are YOUR HOMETOWN SKIS SHOP ON THE WEB!

877-675-4489 (8-PROSKIGUY)
9:30 - 5:30 Pacific time
Monday thru Saturday

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